Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 Poetry Contest Winner

This was the winning Poem of the Four Score Studios Poetry contest: thank you guys for sending in your poems! Congradulations to Ms. Ashley Malin whos poem got the most votes.
Stars Above the Trenches
By: Ashley Malin
Darkness clouds my thoughts
Smoke I breathe into my lungs
Rats scurry about my feet
There is a foreboding silence
Until I hear a weary whisper
“Do you wonder how it all will end?
Is there a God that would allow this to happen?”
I shake my head.
“I don’t know. All I know is nothing will ever be the same.
Sometimes I too wonder what I’m fighting for.
Then I think of my family.
They’re all I have-all I am. I would die for them.”
The stranger in the shadows sighs.
“I dreamed that while I lay here, my soul flew to the stars.
I never felt such hope before then.”
The troops gather readying to cross into no man’s land
I touch the shoulder of my fellow soldier,
seeing the light in his eyes.
“Run out with me as if your heartbeat
were the flapping of your wings.
We shall see each other’s courage in the night.”
He nods. “Until we meet again, my brother.”
Sunrise greets our footsteps
I am no longer earthbound
All I see is my children
As if in a vision, running to embrace me
Their love rushes invigorating my spirit
Until my body falls into sleep and my spirit awakens
The last vision is of my fellow soldier lying beside me
Until the dawn breaks and we go on.

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